Retreats are a unique way for students at Totino-Grace to put into practice the four pillars of the school: learning, faith, community, and service. Each year students are required to participate in one day-long retreat. Through activities, games, small groups, large groups, prayer and reflection, retreats provide students the opportunity to examine their spirituality and bond with classmates. All four retreats seek to build men and women of character through the recognition and utilization of personal gifts.
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Freshmen: Community
Students will spend the day with their classmates engaging in a variety of community challenges, discussions and prayer. Led by upperclassmen, students will be given the opportunity to reflect upon the challenges, the joys and the blessings of high school.
Sophomores: Learning
The Sophomore retreat gives students the opportunity to search inwardly about God’s vocational invitation in their personal lives . Students will spend time taking a step back from distractions to journal, reflect, and pray. Led by the campus ministry staff, this retreat allows students to find silence in their lives and to truly listen to God’s voice in their hearts.
Juniors: Service
Juniors engage in issues concerning service, justice and advocacy. As Catholics and Lasallians, we are called to raise awareness about the needs of the most vulnerable families and respond to our Gospel invitation to be Christ for others. Students will spend the day learning about human rights and the dignity of all people while serving at a variety of sites throughout the Twin Cities.
Seniors: Faith
Seniors are encouraged to be mindful of the sacredness of their faith journey - where their faith journey began, where it is, and how it will continue to be guided by Christ. Led by the Campus Ministry staff, students will be given the opportunity to reflect on their relationship with God, self, and others. Filled with discussions, reflections, and time of prayer, students will focus on their faith journey of high school and life beyond Totino-Grace.