Campus Ministry Team
The Totino-Grace Campus Ministry Department exists to ensure students develop a personal understanding of their own faith and the wisdom of how that faith can be lived out within the community of the Church and an understanding of the implications of their faith regarding social responsibility. Students share equally the leadership and responsibility to design and implement their own faith formation—especially liturgies, retreats, and service projects.
As a community of compassionate leaders, we act on behalf of the least of their brothers and sisters. In all programming, the Campus Ministry Department fosters in students a lifetime commitment to acting on their personal responsibility for bringing about the reign of God.
We pray that the seeds planted at Totino-Grace will continue to grow, as our graduates become women and men who understand their vocation in life.
Campus Ministry Staff
Director of Mission and Ministry
Andrew Blake
Campus Minister
Tyler Boente
School Chaplain: Fr. Mike Selenski
Student Ministers
The Student Ministry Team is made up of students who are committed to creating, offering and implementing worship, formation and service programs for the Totino-Grace community. Student Ministry Team members work in small groups to plan liturgies, prayer services, service projects, mission formation and theme activities. These students commit to weekly lunchtime meetings as well as a one monthly meeting on the mornings of our late-start schedules. In addition, student ministers lead morning prayer twice a week.
The work of the Student Ministers is to bring to life our school theme and be the inspiration behind all Campus Ministry programs. The creativity of the students and the talents they bring to this work is what helps Totino-Grace’s Campus Ministry events touch the hearts and minds of the community in a variety of ways.