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Totino-Grace High School annually awards scholarships for incoming ninth grade students only. These scholarships are funded by generous donors who believe in the exceptional benefits of the transformative opportunities available to students at Totino-Grace.


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Scholarships - TADS Application Not Required

Scholarships - TADS Application Required

Disclaimers for all Scholarships

Totino-Grace High School’s Scholarship Committee reserves the right to make any and all final decisions regarding scholarships, including scholarship process, awards, etc. All decisions are final.

All Totino-Grace Scholarships awards are only usable for that specific year's tuition and are tax-free by the IRS.

Award recipients must enroll at Totino-Grace High School within two weeks of receiving the scholarship or the scholarship will be awarded to the next qualifier. 

All Totino-Grace scholarships do not discriminate or request information to make award decisions based on ethnicity, national origin, gender, identity, disability, religion or age, in accordance with federal anti-discrimination laws.

All Totino-Grace scholarship recipients authorize that their name and image may be shared publicly in Totino-Grace communications, and agree to participate in marketing activities as appropriate, which include but are not limited to inclusion in TG’s website and social media content.

Questions? Contact Linda Aase, Admissions & Financial Aid Assistant, 763-586-6315.