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Teacher Recommendation Form


Totino-Grace High School Recommendation for Admission

If other teacher besides math or English, please list subject.
If Algebra 1, please list if linear only or linear and quadratic.
Email communication may be needed should we have questions regarding your ranking and/or comments.​

Your recommendation will be kept confidential.

This recommendation form is one part of the Totino-Grace application process. Other criteria will be considered when determining enrollment.

Please rank the statements below based on your experience with the applicant.

5 indicates you strongly agree with the statement

3 indicates you agree with the statement

1 indicates you strongly disagree with the statement

Student is conscientious and diligent in their school work.required
Student has a positive attitude toward school.required
Student is respectful of peers.required
Student is respectful of teachers and other adults.required
Student follows school rules including attendance.required
Student is an asset to their school.required
How would you rate this student's ability to handle college-prep curriculum?required

Electronic Signature

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format

If you have any questions regarding this form or our application process, please contact Totino-Grace Admissions at 763-586-6316 or