
E3 Mentors

Engineering Institute Mentor and Involvement Information

Our students in the Totino-Grace Engineering Institute will develop skills and learn concepts, work on projects and develop products that will offer them a great insight to the field of engineering. However, we want our students connected to engineer-related professionals to help them gain experience, knowledge and applicable perspective on engineering-related careers. Serving as an Engineering Institute Mentor will help students open their mind broadly to engineering, while also developing a mentoring relationship with an engineering professional. 

Here are just a few of the impactful ways you can help our students and personally benefit by serving as a mentor:

  • Promote a comprehensive, positive and enriching picture to the engineering craft.
  • Give back to the engineering profession, which strengthens your vocational call.
  • Use your skills, abilities and connections to better the community, specifically the TG community.
  • Develop an impacting relationship with a young adult and an aspiring engineer.


Engineering Institute Mentor Expectations

On average, the total time commitment for the Engineering Institute Mentors will be one to two hours a month.

Mentors should plan for 30-60 minutes of structured engagement per month, initiated by the student (examples: face-to-face meeting at TG, phone conversation, structured email-exchange, Skype conversation).

Mentors can offer input and guide students on their engineering projects as necessary.

Prior to becoming an Engineering Institute Mentor, you will need to complete a background check, Virtus training and sign a code of conduct agreement. All volunteers and employees at Totino-Grace and with every Archdiocesan high school need to complete these steps.


Other Ways to Support the E3 Engineering Institute

  • Host a student field trip.
  • Serve as a guest lecturer on a variety of engineering topics.
  • Have a student shadow you for a day.
  • Provide financial support for the Engineering Institute (engineering-specific equipment, consumable materials, additional facilities, general program expenses). 


Take the Next Step

Please click HERE to complete the E3 Involvement/Mentor Volunteer Form to submit your interests. 

Thank you for your exploring the opportunities to support the TG Engineering Institute!