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Academic Departments

The Totino-Grace High School curriculum has been designed by the staff and administration to support the key elements of our mission: learning, faith, community, and service. As educators in a Catholic school, we are committed to providing a learning environment where each student feels supported and is allowed to succeed. When Totino-Grace students combine their required courses with their elective choices they should experience a comprehensive course of studies which will prepare them for whatever they choose to do after high school.

Small Average Class Size
100% Graduation Rate

When it comes to academics, the variety of courses offered in the Totino-Grace curriculum opens doors to a lifetime of learning and accomplishment. With nearly 100% of Totino-Grace students attending college upon graduation, Totino-Grace offers a solid core of college prep, honors, CIS, and Advanced Placement courses.

Explore course offerings by department below:

Testimonial/bio: Say "Bonjour!" to French teacher William Kvot. He joined TG in 2022 and the French department has never been the same! Mr. Kvot has a BA in French Literature and Teaching French as a Foreign Language from Université d'Avignon, a French K-12 Teaching License from St. Olaf College, and MA of Educational Studies from the University of St. Thomas. He loves the caring and compassionate nature of the TG community. His favorite memory so far is traveling to France over spring break with his students. Mr. Kvot appreciates that TG provides professional development opportunities, such as attending the American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages National Conference in Boston in 2022. When asked how he imparts a love of learning in his students, he said, "Through the French Language and Culture, I want my students to feel part of a global community so they can all become global citizens."